Library Adventures

Hey Kids! Everyday is an adventure when you challenge your imagination and mind.


Let’s Explore: Rainbows

by Library Staff | May 10, 2021

Rainbows are one of nature’s most unique gifts. Rainbows are formed when light bends and reflects through water. Rainbows can be seen in rain, mist, dew, and fog. They are made up of 7 colours. These colours are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

Interesting fact: No two people see the same exact rainbow!

Rainbow Scavenger Hunt

Can you find all the colors list below? (Look indoors and outdoors)

  1. Something red
  2. Something orange
  3. Something yellow
  4. Something green
  5. Something blue
  6. Something violet
  7. Something both red and blue
  8. Something both yellow and green
  9. Something both orange and violet
  10. Something yellow and blue

Challenge your friends and family to also find all 10 colours.
