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Be the Book

by Library Staff | Jun 17, 2020

Hey teens, recreate a book cover and share the photo.

Pick any book and try to imitate and take a photo of yourself or your surroundings to make your own version of it. It can be completely ridiculous with cardboard mustaches, toilet paper wigs and blanket dresses or it can be a serious work of art.  The only rule is to keep it family friendly.

Share your picture, one or more of these ways:

  • Post it in the library’s Facebook event
  • Post it on your Facebook profile tagging the library
  • Post it on Instagram with the hashtag #ORL@home
  • E-mail it to armstrong@orl.bc.ca and let us know if you want it shared with your name, anonymously or kept private.

Challenge your friends to see who can “Be the Book” the best!
