The Okanagan Falls Library will be closed for renovations from March 1–11 as we refresh our space with new paint and carpet. We look forward to welcoming you back soon and sharing the results!
All ORL Branches are closed on statutory holidays
The Naramata Library is located next to the OAP Friendship Club Hall.
The book drop bin is located outside of the front door to the building, and it is always open.
Come to the Naramata Library for stories, puppets, songs and fun! Families are invited to stay after story time and play with a variety of educational toys. Nurture your child's imagination and make new friends! For ages 3 to 5 with a caregiver. Story time takes place on the first Wednesday of the month, October to June, (no programs in January) 10:00AM - 10:45AM. Stay and Play 10:45AM - 11:45AM. Drop-in.
Meet with fellow readers to enjoy books, conversation, tea and treats. The book club meets on the third Wednesday of the month, September to June, 7:00 PM. Call the library to get the reading list 250-496-5679. Drop-in.
Are you working on a novel, poem or short story? Full of fantastic ideas but need help putting them together? Brainstorm with supportive peers, share your work for feedback or practice writing techniques as part of the Naramata Prosers writing circle. The Naramata Prosers meet the second and fourth Wednesday of the month, January - May, 10:00AM - 12:00PM. Drop-in.
Join fellow knitting and needlework enthusiasts at the Naramata Library. Foster creativity, develop skills, grow lasting friendships and celebrate the beauty of yarn. The Naramata Knitters meet Fridays, 10:00AM - 12:00PM year round. All abilities welcome. Drop-in.
Pop-in to the Naramata Library and check-out some seeds for your garden. In the fall collect the seeds and donate them back to the library for your friends and neighbours to grow next year.
Exchange your old jigsaw puzzles for ones that are "new" to you. Drop-in during Naramata Library open hours, October 29 - March 28.
The branch has three public internet computers open.
Patrons may have a 30 minute session, patrons may have an additional 30 minutes (total 1 hour per day) if no one is waiting.
The Naramata Friends of the Library group encourages literacy and reading enjoyment through the use of the library and is committed to the ongoing enhancement of the Naramata Branch.
The Naramata Friends has an active group of volunteers who raise money for library "extras" by selling donated books.
New members are always welcome!
If you would like to donate books or are interested in assisting with this worthy cause, please ask for more information at the Naramata Library.
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